Wednesday, July 2, 2008

WOO HOO! Im a finalist!!!!

Millers imaging is a huge professional photo lab, and they were having a babies and children contest, with the prizes going to the child in the photograph. So, i entered one image of every child i have photographed since January. I entered in round four, and there were over 4000 entries in round four alone. 5 images were selected in the color category, and my image "Natural Beauty" is a finalist! Check it out here.
Grand prize is $5000, and other prizes range from $500 - $2000. Final voting will take place in July, so I will keep you posted!!!


Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

And might I say, that one mighty fine, beautiful little girl!

Megan said...

Congratulations Danielle! I'm super proud of you!!!
The picture is stunning and should definatley win . . . keep us posted!