Wednesday, July 9, 2008

*Announcing the first Limited Edition Session*

I am pleased to announce the first "Limited Edition" Session.
"TuTu's and Tea". I will have TuTu's and a tea party set-up in my own private garden.
Saturday, July 26th, 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Cost: $35 per child

These are mini sessions available for one day only, with a special theme.
I am limiting the number of clients for this special event to 10. Due to the small number of clients, appointment times will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis.
As promised, there will be a specialty item available "only" to clients who book the limited edition sessions.
The item available for "tutu's and Tea" is an
artistically edited 11x14, complete with your child's name. (brooklynn's is above)
The 11x14 is available for a special "limited edition" price of $50.

This will be an awesome session!

To book you session please click on the link below